Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Post #11: 2/28//18

There are innumerable things about Trump I despise, things he's said or written. It goes beyond his adolescent behavior, his crude tweets, his economic illiteracy, his unprincipled, phony populism. But when Reason quoted him as saying "Take the guns first, go through due process second.", I'm done with him. That's anti-constitutional authoritarianism. It's theft. It's a material violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, and he as POTUS vowed to uphold the Constitution. He may think he's tough act in this variation of "act first, and apologize later", but no, you don't have a "right" to prejudge someone who owns a weapon, that they are going to use it to commit a violent crime.


Since I no longer have to abide by Twitter's arbitrary 140 or 280 character limit, I'll do what I want in this format: call the above an abridged rant. (Technically on Twitter, I could have done a workaround, like capture the rant in an image.)


It turns out the Coward of Broward County, 54-year-old Scot Peterson, who failed to take on N. Cruz, the alleged  Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooter, is retiring to a $52-70K/year lifetime pension. We need serious public sector pension reform in this country.


One of the moderators of the Pro-Life Libertarians FB group mentioned taking a softer tone in how he approaches the abortion issue, mentioning the in-your-face (abortion) abolitionists. I have always been pro-life. Even graduating with top honors from OLL, a Catholic college, a few years after Roe v Wade, I was in a photo-finish for the highest GPA in my graduation class with a strongly pro-abort premed coed. Two professors even privately admonished me on my allegedly strident views. I've had to deal with the fact that 2 of my best friends are pro-aborts. I take a softer approach in my blog, focusing on the theme of choosing life.

One of my nieces married an abolitionist, and I think I accepted his FB friend's invitation after the wedding. I soon found my news feed almost obsessively swamped with dark abolitionist posts. (I know you don't have to follow a "friend's" posts.) I cautioned my niece a couple of times he really needed to tone this stuff down. There's more to the story (including my niece posting on a different topic), but I was about to "de-friend" him when he beat me to the punch, but not before issuing a long personal attack over my "hypocritical" pro-life views. I don't let punks or trolls yank my chain, but seriously, dude, I was pro-life before your mother chose to bring you into the world.