Thursday, March 15, 2018

Post #23: 3/15/18

  1. For those of us who believe that America cannot sustain its costly empire of 800 foreign military bases, the idea that Trump may reduce deployed troop levels and installations for the wrong stupid reasons doesn't bother us. Trump can be a useful idiot.
  2. Trump is griping that the US is giving all its allies free US defense guarantees. He bitches that South Korea isn't buying enough American stuff to justify freeloading on defense. He seems to be using American troops as a bargaining chip.
  3. Trump and his former fellow Democrats don't grasp the point that a lot of the resources and components that go into Chinese assembled goods are imported (including American imports). The Chinese get a small cut of what you pay for the latest iPhone.
  4. If foreigners want to accept green paper which the Federal Reserve has devalued by 97% over the past century for real stuff, good deals. Dumb Trump wants to do the opposite, give away real American stuff for Chinese paper money.
  5. I can't believe the latest speech by Trump on trade, which he even admits making up numbers to Canadian PM Trudeau. He has no concept that our trade deficit is financed by a capital surplus which means foreigners invest in the US: good for the economy and jobs.
  6. I have an issue with people calling college basketball "March madness"; I think Trump's latest speeches constitute March madness.
  7. His girlfriend is now mine.
  8. I drank the last beer.
  9. Don't you draw the Queen of Diamonds, boy: she'll beat you if she's able.
  10. The Beatles never did reunite.
  11. How awful was it that Tillerson was fired by a tweet by the world's worst boss, Trump? Even Gary Busey got the news in person on Celebrity Apprentice.
  12. Why would anti-tariff economist Kudlow agree to serve as Trump's chief economic adviser knowing Cohn failed to make Trump economically literate? It's like women who think they can change bad boys.
  13. Students are being manipulated. No, they aren't objecting against failed school administrations and incompetent teachers--or policies that fail to keep them safe.
  14. This is pure evil, a monstrous surgeon's version of a silencer in killing a child. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke
  15. Tillerson was a hero for calling Trump a moron last year. Whereas Trumpkins try to defend a dysfunctional, volatile administration, let us recall that Trump is responsible for staffing in the first place.
  16. Fox New Channel is trying to politically spin Lamb's narrow victory in yesterday's PA special election by arguing Lamb ran as a moderate Republican and Trump nearly pushed Saccone to victory. You have to be an idiot to buy that.