Friday, March 23, 2018

Post #31: 3/23/18

  1. Rosemary's Baby Has Colic
  2. Merlin, the Wonderful Wizard of Oz
  3. The Condo Flipper
  4. Don't Feed the Birds
  5. West Side Two-Story Building
  6. Turn down the sound of music
  7. Night of the Living Voters and Dead
  8. Chariots of Fire and Rain
  9. I love unexpected twists. A good example: in my favorite episode of the "Odd Couple" Felix refurnishes Oscar's apartment, including the clock. What is hysterical is even Penny can read the odd clock.
  10. I prefer more subtle vs. insulting political humor. For example, when Bernie Sanders complains about 23 choices of deodorants, I might respond, "Only 23?Senator, have you ever been on ?"
  11. Don't laugh at your own jokes. I used a deadpan delivery as a way of transitioning lectures during my IT professor days. I would often get delayed-reaction laughter; the funniest thing was the reaction of other students: what happened?
  12. You need to be able to laugh at yourself. It's subtle because it can come across as reflecting a bad self image. An example: I'm overweight, "Why did the chicken cross the road?" "He saw me on my lunch break."
  13. Ad libbing is an art form. At work a few years back, we had a staff meeting, and they brought up the idea of a green-themed potluck for St. Patrick's Day. I said, "I'll bring something from the back of my fridge." The guy next to me laughs convulsively
  14. Context is everything. Oddly enough, the greatest President over the past century gave the best example. When a lady next to him at dinner said that she made a bet she could get 3 words out of Silent Cal: "You lose."
  15. Trump was misquoted: he meant to say 'tired of all the whining'. "Tired of all the Winning"
  16. Replying to   
    Still drinking the Kool-Aid, I see.
  17. Cookie dough ice cream
  18. Random acts of kindness
  19. Admitting when I'm wrong
  20. Being patient with others
  21. Paying off one's debts
  22. Having to pay taxes
  23. I admit my mistakes
  24. Responsible for my family