Monday, March 19, 2018

Post #27: 3/19/18

  1. The rumor is that Trump is prepared to hit Chinese exports with $60B/year in tariffs. Just a reminder: (1) China isn't being taxed; American consumers are. (2) Taxation is theft; Trump steals from Americans for his own corrupt political gains. (3) The Chinese will respond.
  2. Throwing bricks at Trump talking on TV : you may not see get to see who won today's episode of Family Feud
  3. What did I mean by Charles Blow giving the wrong reasons for Trump being un-American? - Trump doesn't respect the Bill of Rights, including eminent domain, civil asset forfeiture, intrastate commerce, the First Amendment - Trump rejects the rights of business: immigration, trade
  4. Replying to 
    We pro-lifers, unlike the hypocritical Trump, firmly reject the death penalty as unethical premeditated murder by the State. What we need to do is stop this unwinnable, unsustainable War on Drugs.
  5. Replying to 
    My, your're a hypocritical partisan bastard, aren't you, thinking you've cleverly renamed the Biden Rule without anyone noticing?
  6. Well, this is one of Charles' better NYT pieces. I am a free market guy who believes in unilateral free trade. The fact Trump was caught making up numbers just makes him another lying politician. But what makes him un-American is other things. "The Un-American President"
  7. We;ll, Secretary Zinke has diarrhea mouth like his boss. Of course, we must never forget FDR's morally unjustifiable incarceration against Axis Power immigrant descendants during WWII, approved by a criminal SCOTUS. "Japanese-American"
  8. This is for all the feeble-minded leftist trolls who call me a Russian bot: I finally found your briefing book. H/T Nick Veser