Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Post #32: 3/28/18

  1. Just a reminder that only the free market can truly serve veterans, not a government monopoly which has failed time and again. Trump isn't curing the problem; he's changing the bandage. "Ronny Jackson"
  2. Practice, practice, practice.
  3. Adopt higher standards.
  4. Teach a class.
  5. Replying to 
    End union monopoly.
  6. Don't watch TV
  7. Replying to 
    HELL NO! The State enslaves, steals, and kills. Liberty is liberation from the State.
  8. Replying to 
    Both parties suck. The government sucks. The only solution is the free market.
  9. God has given you one face, and you Democrats speak out of the other.
  10. The course of Trump's Presidency never did run smooth
  11. Those who are politicians by any other name would smell as foul
  12. Or one of over 320M Americans.
  13. I call on Attorney General Sessions to file federal charges against the cops who murdered this young man.
  14. This is impossible to excuse or defend. There is no evidence to support the notion that that multiple cops outnumbering a man who never shot at them needed to resort to disproportionate lethal force.
  15. Telling Trump he's FIRED!
  16. How awful that John Paul Stevens , in the 8 years he's been retired, still has no regard for the unalienable right of self-defense? This is a natural right, not a State-conferred right. Stevens is a defender of the State, not the people.
  17. What the hell is wrong with the immoral xenophobic Trump Administration, which never turns down an opportunity to evict foreign-born visitors, even if they've contributed to the economy for a generation? Liberians
  18. Replying to 
    No, what will deter mass murderers is making schools less of an enabling , defenseless soft target. Don't stereotype conservatives. We are not right wing authoritarians. Let's point it was Democrats that wrecked the Bracero program and unions have ALWAYS opposed immigration.
  19. As usual, the hypocritical politically correct left-fascists attack anyone who departs from their orthodoxy. Never mind almost 60 million preborn children, unlike their preditated murderers, were denied due process. "Kevin Williamson"
  20. Replying to 
    Actually, 50% of the preborn babies intentionally murdered by their mommies are female
  21. After 20 seasons of NFL football on Sunday, she still doesn't know how many points your team gets when they score a touchdown.
  22. She's gone vegan and won't kiss me if she smells dead animal flesh on my breath.
  23. She's a Trumpkin and insists on watching Hannity every evening.
  24. The xenophobes want "illegals" to self-incriminate. They, like un-American Trump, prefer to ignore the Constitution (Amendment 5), which applies to all residents. Ignore the question. Census
  25. The last thing I want to do is defend GOP policies. But when I read economically illiterate leftist trolls argue that high-tax, high-regulation, high-spending Dems bring prosperity and the GOP brings recession: ENOUGH!
  26. So much for Trump learning from his mistakes. "Rob Porter"
  27. Well, I'm not sure Bolton is the WORST mistake Trump has made; his anti-trade and anti-immigration policies were unforced blunders. But certainly the Bolton pick contradicts his America First campaign rhetoric. "Jimmy Carter"
  28. Replying to   and 
    .....Absolute bullshit. Reagan inherited Carter pick Volcker's rate hikes, The Fed stopped its hikes during the early 1980 recession but almost doubled its funds rate over the year starting that summer. And the 1990-1 recession ended over a year before Clinton started.
  29. The Chinese are threatening to slap a 25% tariff on American pork in reltaliation to the Trump tariffs. That's just great--who is going to buy $1.1 T of TrumpDebt Treasury bills now?
  30. Not all Parkland shooting survivors are gullible anti-liberty minions of manipulative Statist activists and media.
  31. This is how I see a boxing match between Trump and Biden:
  32. The Democrats are suddenly obsessed with Trump's affairs in the 2000's when, surprise, surprise, he was a registered Democrat, It's not like as a feminist governor or POTUS, he exposed himself to or got a blow job from his subordinates.
  33. Do you think Reagan would ever get elected today given the anti-immigrant GOP?