Sunday, March 18, 2018

Post #26: 3/18/18

Note: I know many of my recent posts have been dominated by my resumed Twitter activity, but I assure readers other content will be included as circumstances warrant or permit.

  1. Any time an incumbent political whore wins an election with 75% of the vote, particularly in an economically struggling country like Russia, it's a sham election. "Vladimir Putin"
  2. The first Green War started when an appraiser told a groom's family that the dowry consisted of pyrite.
  3. They still hold a grudge against FDR for confiscating their gold.
  4. They prefer to be called "little people".
  5. Replying to   and 
    Trump IS corruption. His tariffs are anti-consumer; they seem to enrich the chosen few at the expense of consumers and metal-using industries. The bastard also bashes judges and defendant rights. He opposes individual freedoms and is un-American at his core.
  6. What bothers me about the McCabe termination is not so much the termination of a person who violated the public trust or the timing of the termination relative to his retirement, but the fact that Trump agitated and rejoiced in it. Trump has no respect for the rule of law.
  7. Oh no, my doctor shops here. I had better put back the doughnuts.
  8. What the hell is a guy with a full cart doing in the express lane?
  9. Let's start a new poll: if Trump attempts to fire Mueller, we'll impeach and remove his ass. Self-serving intervention in DoJ matters is corrupt and criminal. "DRUDGE POLL"
  10. If the Dems think that the incompetent Russians can end the GOP Congress or White House, why aren't they buying their services? It's just too painful for the Dems to admit they blew the election by nominating the wrong candidate.
  11. Russian social marketing amateurs did not help elect Trump. As Reason proves, the so-called collusion amounted to literally a drop in the bucket against the far voluminous Clinton campaign chest and utilization of heavily Dem Silicon Valley expertise.
  12. Now that Trump has broken the $21T national debt level, tell me his Nixonian "secret plan" to eliminate the debt in 2 terms? Just a reminder: taxes are about $3.4T/yr. Even if we didn't spent another penny for the rest of his term, maybe only half. This dude: no balanced budget.