Thursday, March 22, 2018

Post #30: 3/22/18

  1. Do I need to explain why Rand Paul is my favorite Senator?
  2. Are libertarians like Walter Block and Lew Rockwell finally going to admit they f*cked up in supporting Trump? Can you name someone more business-as-usual, neo-con than John Bolton? "H.R. McMaster"
  3. Now the real Bozo has died, his replacement is in the Oval Office. Seriously, is he going to pick the worst commentators off Fox News Channel for his staff? Really, really bad neo-con pick in Bolton. "H.R. McMaster"
  4. National Review has sucked since it lost its way after the encouraging "NeverTrump" issue. Pandering to an incompetent populist in its lust for relevance? Williamson jumped a sinking ship. "Kevin Williamson"
  5. Trump is pretty much of a political idiot. His protectionist policies are going to hit Middle America in the pocketbook and business that sell to China are going to take a hit. Why do you think relevant stocks are dropping? "Trump's China"
  6. Replying to 
    Well, you don't seem to understand their middle-class customers are hurt from higher prices from the Presidential whore's protectionist policies. From a corporate standpoint, these vendors face the demand/supply curves, i.e., higher prices, fewer sales.
  7. Replying to 
    Pence has lost his integrity and credibility, selling out to the protectionist political whore, Trump.